Sunday, November 1, 2015

top 15 foods for Beautiful skin

Aloe vera .

Aloe vera helps promote surface hydration of skin, and is also notable for its anti-balding properties. Individuals who want to regulate their sebaceous glands will also benefit from aloe vera.

Olive oil .

Functions like jojoba oil; it allows other ingredients to reach deeper into the skin for maximum effect.

.Lavender .

A soothing addition to any natural skin care preparation, lavender also has a lovely natural fragrance that will perk up your creams and lotions.

Apple juice .

Apples contains lots of B-vitamins and antioxidants. Apple juice is considered an excellent mild cleanser, and it will not dry your skin.

Beeswax .

Beeswax is used to lock in moisture. When combined with cleansers it ensures that some of the natural moisture of the concoction stays close to the surface of the skin.


Caffeine has been noted for its ability to naturally tighten skin and improve the appearance of fine lines on the skin.

Marigold .

 Marigold is known for its anti-inflammation properties, which makes it an ideal ingredient for creams applied after prolonged sun exposure. Marigold is a restorative ingredient.


 Camphor has natural anti-bacterial properties, but is very potent and should not be used excessively in topical preparations. Commercial products are regulated so that camphor concentration is 11% or less.
Grape skin .
 Grape skin naturally contains resveratrol which naturally eliminates impurities on the skin, and also helps preserve the elasticity of your skin. Grape skin may be added to any home preparation.
 Has natural antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Honey may be used as a natural emollient as well. If you don't want chemicals too in the moisturizing process, go for fresh honey!
Jojoba oil .
Jojoba oil is a moisturizing agent and also helps other ingredients in a preparation to reach deeper into the skin tissue.
Bentonite clay .
Bentonite clay has long been hailed as one of the best natural cleansers. Bentonite clay can easily remove dirt and sebum build-up from your pores.
 Kinetin is one of the few compounds in existence that has been tested often, and actually has notable anti-aging properties.
Lemon juice .
Lemon juice cleanses the skin, and also removes impurities found deep in the skin tissue. If you want a natural astringent that works fast, go for lemon juice.
Milk .
Milk can be added to home preparations because of its fat content, which naturally moisturizes the skin.


food Antioxidants and cancer

food Antioxidants and cancer

9 foods that fight wrinkles

If you’re scrutinizing over your dull, dry winter skin and fine lines and wrinkles, you’re not alone. According to a recent national survey by Allergan, Inc., approximately 60 percent of women 21- to 65-years-old said they would rather have a younger-looking face than a younger-looking body.

Yet experts say it’s time to forget the expensive creams and procedures. The key to aging gracefully is simple: Eat healthy.

Here, find out which foods to avoid and which to add to your plate for beautiful, younger- looking skin..

1. Cut out inflammatory foods.

“Foods that create inflammation are pro-aging,” said Dr. Frank Lipman, an integrative and functional medicine physician and author of “The New Health Rules.” Nix processed, packaged and fast foods, as well as gluten, dairy and sugar.

“Eating too much sugar will make you more prone to wrinkles and make you age quicker,” he said.

2. Omega fatty acids.

Keeping your skin well-hydrated from the inside out is one of the best ways to prevent dry skin and wrinkles. Omega fatty acids -3, -6, and -9 found in healthy fats and oils are vital because they become part of the skin cell walls.

“If the skin cell walls are plump and healthy, the skin will look more hydrated and dewy as well,” said Paula Simpson, a nutricosmetics formulation expert and beauty nutritionist.

Salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, coconut oil, olive oil and avocado are all great choices.  

3. Amino acids.

Another cause of wrinkles is the weakening of collagen and elastin in the skin that happens as we age. Amino acids found in protein sources can help rebuild and repair damage. Meat, fish, eggs, tofu, some grains, nuts, and seeds are all excellent sources.

4. Leafy green vegetables.

Broccoli, kale, spinach and mustard greens will keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Green juices are also an easy way to help absorb the nutrients more quickly.

“It’s like a liquid multi-vitamin full of antioxidants,” Lipman said. Be sure to limit the added sugar and fruits with a high glycemic load.  

5. Phytoceramides.

“As we age, the epidermis (the skin’s outer layer) thins and weakens, making it susceptible to dehydration and wrinkling,” Simpson said.
What’s more, production of ceramides— molecules that keep the skin firm —starts to slow down. Phytoceramides, plant-based ceramides found in wheat germ, brown rice, spinach and beets, can help to protect the skin’s outer layer.

6. Antioxidants.

Too much time out in the sun is a leading cause of aging.  The sun creates free radicals that can permanently kill off healthy skin cells. Yet the sun is not the only culprit— an unhealthy diet can do the same. Load up on a variety of brightly colored, antioxidant-rich foods that contain carotenoids like tomatoes, carrots, kale and pumpkin that can protect the skin and reverse some of the damage.

7. Potassium-rich foods.

If you have dark circles under your eyes, it’s probably genetic but they can also be caused by water retention or sodium-rich foods. Many fruits and vegetables, as well as potatoes, nuts, beans, legumes, meat, poultry and fish are potassium-rich and can offset the sodium. Plus, cutting down on your salt intake is a wise choice for your skin and your overall health.

8. Rooibos tea.

High in polyphenols that help protect the skin from premature aging, rooibos tea hydrates the skin and is an alternative to coffee, which can dehydrate your skin.

9. Fermented foods.

Probiotics regulate digestion and put the good bacteria back in the gut, which can also help skin look healthy, Lipman said. Sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and fermented vegetables are all probiotic-rich.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Polyphenols, the secret of youth

 substances have very important antioxidant, to fight against the formation of excess free radicals in the body (substances that will promote cell aging). By this mechanism, and other channels not yet elucidated, polyphenols would protect many disease
 fruits and vegetables are our allies health. But their virtues are not only related to vitamins, minerals and fiber they contain. Their secret is polyphenols! These compounds are powerful antioxidants, adorned with many health benefits.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Goals for Anti-Aging Skin

Goal #1 Increase turnover - This process involves migration of cells upward to replace to top layer of the stratum corneum. It is important to be aware that as a teenager or adult, the skin cell turnover rate is approximately 30 days. As one ages, this process is stretched out, so that the turnover rate looks more like 50 days. The best solution is exfoliation. This can be accomplished by the use of chemical or mechanical exfoliants. The chemical exfoliants are retinoids, alpha hydroxyl acid, and beta hydroxyl acids. The most common example would be salicylic acid, which is found in many facial cleansers. The mechanical exfoliants easily found in your everyday drug store facial products like apricot or papaya scrubs.
Goal #2 - Decrease free radical damage - Some of the more commonly known sources of free radicals include cigarettes, air pollution, and UV rays. Free radicals can damage collage, which gives skin it's resiliency, softness and elasticity. Antioxidants are great at counteracting free radicals. They can be applied on the skin or taken orally. Some common antioxidants are Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Green tea is another antioxidant that is gaining spotlight in skincare.
Goal #3 - Decrease sun damage - Sun exposure does not only lead to exposure to free radicals, but it triggers an inflammatory process to occur within the skin cells. It is important to note that sun damage sometimes takes up to ten years to appear on the skin. Be sure to apply sunscreen on your children and teenagers. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends a minimum of SPF 15. Broad spectrum sunscreens protect against UVA and UVB rays. There are chemical sunscreens like octylcrylene, avobenzone, octinoxate, octisalate, oxybenzone, and homosalate. The mineral sunscreens have zinc oxides or titanium dioxide.
Goal #4: Decrease inflammation - skin that is under a constant state of inflammation will show signs of aging sooner than others. There are many sources of inflammatory triggers, such as diet or current skin care (if it contains harsh chemicals). Niacinamide is a chemical used in acne and exfoliants, but it has been thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and will brighten up the skin. MSM is a chemical often used in conjunction with glucosamine chondroitin for joint inflammation, but this is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties when MSM is compounded in a skincare product. Others examples of chemicals that may be associated help with inflammation are green tea and aloe.
These are just a few goals to get you started with you anti-aging skin regimen. Start incorporating some of these into your daily skin care and you will have all four of these goals down in no time!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Antioxidants - The key In order to Anti-Aging

 Antioxidants counter the effect of oxidants released from dead cells. Growing old is a beautiful thing but no one wants to get age prematurely. Without antioxidants, perfectly healthy cells surrounding dying cells are effected by the oxidants released causing them to die also. Eliminating oxidants before they damage healthy cells prevent cell damage and prolongs youth.
The fountain of youth is a mythical legend. Or is it? The fountain of youth was believed to contribute to ancient people living for a substantially longer period of time than most because they consumed and bathed in the "water of life". The reality is, it wasn't the water, it was what was in the water that allowed the people to live longer than most.
What causes aging and, ultimately, death? Well, all of our body parts are made up of cells that have a pre-determined life span. Along the course of time, some cells die due to age and release products of the dead cells into the body, called oxidants. It's a natural process, which is why anti-oxidants are found in foods that we eat. Cells also die from other causes, such as exposure to elements in the environment as well as disease. Lack of nutrition can also cause cells to die. You ever notice that people who are not getting all of the nutrients they need look older or sick? It's because their body is not getting the proper nutrients needed to balance out the effects of cells dying and releasing those toxins.
So what was in that "Water of Life"? Most likely antioxidants. Antioxidants counter the effect of oxidants released from dead cells. Growing old is a beautiful thing but no one wants to get age prematurely. Without antioxidants, perfectly healthy cells surrounding dying cells are effected by the oxidants released causing them to die also. Eliminating oxidants before they damage healthy cells prevent cell damage and prolongs youth.
As far as we know, we don't have access to a "fountain of youth" but we can have the same effect if we make sure antioxidants are a part of our diet. Most berries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, are rich in antioxidants. Prunes, cloves, walnuts, and pinto beans are rich in antioxidants as well. Green tea has antioxidant properties too. Another way to get the appropriate amount of antioxidants to keep your body young and healthy is in nutritional supplements. Taking supplements that contain antioxidants daily insure that you are getting everything you need, even when you don't have access to the food.
The fountain of youth may be a legend but we can still have long life by preventing cell death. Our body is made up of cells that do eventually die and release oxidants that effect surrounding cells. Antioxidants counteract the effects of oxidants and are found in foods or nutritional supplements.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

3 Anti Aging Foods You Should Have in Your Diet

Every woman wants to look younger than her real age. Most experts would agree that it largely depends on how you take care of yourself, your lifestyle and the food you eat. This may sound hard to do, but choosing the right food to eat is not really rocket science. Here are three anti aging foods that you would surely want to include in your anti aging diet.  Avocado - This fruit is a healthy and excellent source of oleic acid which is believed to help reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Aside from that, it is a rich source of antioxidants such as Vitamin E which helps fight off damage caused by free radicals. It is really delicious and you are sure to enjoy it. One way is by making a great guacamole from scratch so you are sure of your ingredients. But you have to remember not to eat too much avocado since a cup of avocado has about 235 calories.  Berries - These fruits are just bursting with health and anti aging benefits. They are rich in Vitamin C, calcium, folate, magnesium and many other vital minerals your body needs to keep you on the go every day.
A lot of anti-aging products are now out in the market and many people (most of them are women) are looking for the most effective product to keep them from looking old. Many are resigned to the general fact that they can't prevent aging, but still want to do what they can to not look their age. One way to do so is with anti aging foods.